Happy New Year! My resolution is to make things worse for my characters, same as last year, and I think I've already nailed it.
Well, ok, there is one other goal...
I'm starting to debate where to cut off Volume 2! Volume 1 was 336 pages long, and included 8 chapters... Currently, chapters 9-15 of Wychwood is 328 pages long, one chapter shy but VERY close to that page count. I could cut it there and it'd be pretty reasonable.
....But with that said, chapter 16 isn't THAT long (comparatively), it's just 26 pages. Including it in Volume 2 would bring it to a hefty 354 pages, but that's not TOO crazy a length. It will mean a more expensive printing cost, though that's nothing new considering 336 is already very long. Maybe if I'm committing to monster volumes I might as well lean all the way XD
In any case, I'm hoping I'll be ready to start preparing volume 2 for print this year! If it's chapters 9-15, then I've already completed all the pages that will be in it (my spoilerzone patrons can read chapter 15 in its entirety :B); if I push to have 16 in there as well, it'll be another few months, as I would need to ink and shade that chapter too. I may want the extra time, as this year I'm also teaching more classes, and may be looking around for more work, since currently comics and freelance are all of my income (scary!!). Thank you a ton to everyone who's supported me through Ko-Fi and Patreon, incidentally.
My other goal is to grow my buffer again and get updates back to twice a week this year; if I can make sure to sketch, ink, or shade at least one page each day of the week every week (and make sure to stay on top of scripting and thumbnailing to make sure I have material), that should keep me on track.
I'm also hoping to go to more conventions again. Not every show has opened their applications yet (and not all of them have gotten back to me) but so far I'm looking at C2E2 (Chicago), MCAF (Montreal), TCAF (Toronto), and Fan Expo Toronto. Quick note to put out there into the world, but: if you have a local show and are hoping I'll be able to get there, one thing you could try is to approach the showrunners and see if they're inviting guests along! For some shows that involve more travel or that might not be on my radar, that'd be a surefire way to get me to go, haha.
That's all the news I got for this week, see you next week with more shenanigans!