Patreon update!
Posted October 5, 2022 at 12:00 am

So for the next two weeks, I'm running a special offer on my Patreon! :D I designed some brand new stickers just for the occasion and I'm gonna send a sheet to everyone who's pledged this month, with a cutoff on October 14 (which is when I'll be ordering the stickers; I only plan to order exactly the amount needed so I gotta have a deadline there hehe). I really wanted to do something special for my patrons, since so many folks have stuck with me for years, and regardless of the tier, it adds up and I really appreciate it!

Here's a peek at the sticker designs:

(As you can see, two of them are Wychwood-themed, and two are Chirault-themed!)

And you can check out the Patreon page right here:
